Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vision…I am constantly asked about it…what is it? How is it developed? What is more, what is ours at The Torch?

I am learning that I don’t communicate vision often enough. So I thought I would share part of our vision on my blog tonight.

Vision is made up of 3 things:
1. Passion – what your organization (church) stands for, its core values’ purpose - its mission.
2. Best at – what your church can uniquely contribute to people it touches better than any other church on the planet.
3. Resource engine – what best drives your resources in 3 areas: time (people willing to serve), money (available and able to raise), and brand (deep well of emotional goodwill and mind-share of potential supporters).

To articulate our vision, I will start with Passion tonight…

What are we at The Torch passionate about?

First, it is people. We want to do all we can to bless people. I have a genuine passion for people…period. Sometimes my love is construed wrongly, but I am passionate about loving people. We start with…
Children – the largest mission field we touch is our kids. They must be loved, lead, and mentored.
Teens – the most difficult time of life for many is often the rocky times of teenage life. Values are often cast in this turbulent season of life. With that said, we will love, lead, and mentor children through the challenging times they face as teens.
College and Career – As kids move from high school into life, they can become sidetracked and loose themselves. We will work hard at maintaining contact and providing resources to those moving into the “real world”.
Adults and Senior Adults – As young adults deal with their kids and move through maturity, the struggles abound. We will do all we can to resource regarding Biblical principles of personal finance, parenting, effective marriages, Christian living, and other issues adults and seniors face.

Second, it is praise. We want to honor God with our day to day lives by praising Him in all we do. When it comes to Sundays, we start by creating an atmosphere of praise in our services. We will worship in a contemporary relevant manner and reach to those who do not attend church as we prepare exciting contemporary services.

Third, it is prayer. No church is effective in its own strength. We must maintain a dialogue with God to be effective. Our role is to help people develop relationship with God, not religion. That happens through the power of prayer. We will help all develop an ongoing interaction with the Creator of the universe. As we do so, the Power of the Holy Spirit will be manifested in our people.

Fourth, it is the Word. We will passionately teach the Word of God in all we do. It is the standard by which we live our lives. Therefore, it will be the focus of our efforts…

More to come later…Mike

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