Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Regarding vision, I explained our core values, the things about which we are passionate. I will now describe some issues we need to address in order to follow our passion.

My constant prayer seeks God’s vision so that the direction of The Torch may be charted. Three things have repeatedly been laid in my heart.

First, we are called to reach an ever increasing number of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. To do so, our focus must involve reaching those who have rarely darkened the door of a church. Those in this category have been labeled “the unchurched”. Regardless of the label, they represent a sector of our society that has proven to be difficult to read, yet willing to listen when the church is relevant and real. Being genuine, real, has always been a strong suit of our body. Yet, we constantly struggle to remain relevant to those outside the body of Christ since it requires constant change. In order to reach the unchurched, we are working to offer an alternative service on Sundays. Providing a different style of worship and presentation will better equip us to be relevant to those outside the Body of Christ.

Second, we must reinvest in discipleship. The commission of Christ compels us to go and make disciples of all nations. It is not enough to reach people; they must be developed as disciples. Therefore, we must recommit ourselves to making disciples of those who have committed to Christ and attend our church. Obviously this will require that our methods of ministry be reviewed, challenged and possibly changed. Accountability issues regarding “being” a child of God must be addressed.

Third, we must further develop ministry to different generations. Each generation approaches life differently. We will methodically approach multi-generational ministry. It will be challenging, but rewarding.

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